ATHENS NETWORK OF COLLABORATING EXPERTS (ANCE) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation based in Athens, Greece. It was established in 1996 by a group of Greek experts in international development cooperation and technical assistance and today has succeeded to create an extensive network of collaborators and volunteers for the promotion of sustainable development and the support of vulnerable social groups in the European Union and the developing countries. ANCE has an extensive experience in the field of mixed migration flows implementing various programmes on refugees’/migrants’ integration
ASSOCIATION OF ANATOLIAN DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (AKED) is a Turkish CSO, founded in Elazig aiming at working towards education, environment, culture, youth, employment, informatics, women rights and issues in the field of health, which are the fundamental dynamics of development. The organisation’s vision is to promote lifelong learning for a more sustainable world. Raising awareness on the aforementioned topics, organizing conferences and seminars to inform the public, conducting studies, doing advocacy and providing the relevant institutions with recommendations on these topics are the organisation’s main activities.
BEYAZAY ASSOCIATION is a Turkish CSO, founded in 1992 and working in the field of disability by supporting disabled people. Among the organisation’s most significant interventions are the education of disabled people, strengthening the social, cultural, economic, legal and professional rights and interests of the disabled people, the employability of the disabled people, combatting discrimination of disabled persons and enhancing social solidarity between disabled people and the communities they live in.
CIDIS ONLUS is a non-profit Italian organisation working to ensure social cohesion in modern plural and multi-ethnic societies. The Association has a 30-year experience in guaranteeing equality of opportunity for migrants and members of minorities, promoting cultural diversity, encouraging social change and urging civil society to oppose discrimination and social marginalization.
KAMER FOUNDATION is a Turkish CSO founded by women who have recognized, questioned, and started to transform the violence in their lives and their traditional statuses. The organisation was founded in 1997 and shares its awareness with other women so that norms are challenged and roles are redefined. The organisation’s goal is to identify local practices of the sexist system that harm women and children, to develop alternatives, and enable their implementation. KAMER Foundation is present in 23 provinces of Southeast and Eastern Anatolia. Support to refugee women is among the organisation’s key priorities.